Yan, Tan, Tethera, Pethera, Pimp!

Yan, Tan, Tethera, Pethera, Pimp!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Lambing Time!

It's that time of the year again: lambs are appearing everywhere!
At the sheepfarm lambing has started also, and when we went to help moving some older ram lambs we took a sneak peek at the little ones...

Suki and Jessie were with me to help out, but before that Suki first got to see the little lambs with me. At first she was very suprised and even a bit scared of those little cheeky things that smelled like sheep but weren't afraid of her and came to sniff her out. But when she saw me touch them, she started to sniff their bottoms and a bit later even their noses! Soon she started to feel comfortable with the lambs around, as long as they didn't sneak up behind her, haha...

After that we moved the ram lambs with Suki on the lead behind them with me, Jessie guarding the flanks, and the farmer heading the little flock. It all went very smooth and quick, and the dogs did a really good job. I was very pleased and so was the farmer, it saved him a lot of work he said. And Jessie and I are always glad when we can do some real work, so everybody was happy!

There was also a very beautiful lamb looking like a Border Collie. The pretty smart thing probably thought it was a good disguise for later, so that the sheepdogs would think she was one of them!

To be continued...

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