Yan, Tan, Tethera, Pethera, Pimp!

Yan, Tan, Tethera, Pethera, Pimp!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Bringing the Pregnant Ewes Home

What a beautiful sunny day it is today, a great day to bring the pregnant ewes home for the winter. Jessie was eager to work, she's such a great dog. The sheep were back in the marsh, that's very wet land, and Jessie ran and jumped or swam the ditches like a real pro to get to them. 
As soon as they saw her coming. all sheep flocked together and soon we were on our way.

We had to go through the village roads and most people in cars who had to stop smiled at us, as they were probably entertained. A few sourly looking faces aside, everybody seemed to love watching us walking our little flock home...

The only glitch we had was when there was a farm a bit further up the road where two dogs came running down the driveway, barking at the sheep. So the sheep were frightened and turned back, not daring to go past the dogs. But there was Jessie, and if she didn't give them the eye they would not have minded us humans standing there at all and darted past us. Jessie reminded them the only safe way was past the dogs and away from her, or else..

The sheep were content to be home, and they will get some time outside to graze before they go in. 
In a while it will be lambing time, we are looking forward to it!

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