Yan, Tan, Tethera, Pethera, Pimp!

Yan, Tan, Tethera, Pethera, Pimp!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Let me introduce the gang, part 2

How about the rest of the gang? You've seen Yoshi already in my post about mole trouble, but there's also Jai and Suki. These 3 pups are all from Jessie's litter, and I bet you're wondering why I've kept 3 pups. Well, that wasn't my intention to begin with...

Initially, I wanted one bitch pup out of Jessie, and my choice was easily made: it had to be Suki. In Suki I saw so much of Jessie that she was my first choice, but my daughter however was convinced that it was Yoshi who had to stay with us. After a while we decided to keep them both, because neither of us was prepared to give in: we loved our favorite too much!



And then one of our pups, Jai, came back to us. I started to search for a new home for him, but my husband fell in love with this little guy and wanted to keep him. And so Jai stayed with us!

So this is the gang now. Or is it?

Oops, no!

There is also Falco, our Border Colllie x Rescue dog. We adopted him at 3y old, same age as Jessie:


  1. Is a great gang Kathleen! All beautiful nice dogs, but Falco stole my hart long ago <3
